With all the dire warnings about the Swine Flu, where is the message about building natural immunity?
The internet is abuzz with warnings bordering on hysteria (conventional media) to a variety of conspiracy theories, and even to allegations that the pandemic is a government fabrication designed to sell stockpiles of anti-viral medications.
Conventional medical advice ranges from wearing face masks to taking the anti-viral drug called tamiflu (which can have many serious side effects, see http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.asp?drug=21087&name=TAMIFLU.)
It is interesting to note that not once in all the media broadcasts have we heard any mention of building natural immunity. Here's what the Weston A. Price Foundation has to say:
Fortunately, we do not have to sit back and listen to the news about swine flu feeling helpless and anxious. We can be proactive by simply nourishing ourselves and our families.
Vitamins A and D in cod liver oil offer strong protection against infection of all types, as well as against environmental toxins.
Vitamin C is important-either from vitamin C-rich foods like sauerkraut, or from one of the natural vitamin C supplements recommended.
Healthy gut flora provides 85 percent of our protection against disease. Be sure to consume healthy lacto-fermented foods and beverages every day and avoid the foods that disrupt gut flora, especially refined carbohydrates.
Bone broth plays a double role of supporting the immune system and helping the body detoxify.
We are grateful to Beth Beisel, registered dietitian and WAPF member for reminding us about the protective factors in coconut oil. Swine flu is a lipid coated virus (http://www.pnas.org/content/98/5/2115.full.pdf+html), and thus is inactivated by sufficient amounts of monolaurin. (Our bodies convert lauric acid, found in coconut oil, to monolaurin).
According to Dr. Mary Enig, two to three tablespoons of coconut oil per day appears to be an adequate dosage to fight infection, even from virulent antibiotic-resistant organisms such as MSRA.
There are lots of ways to get coconut oil into the diet: stir coconut oil in some tea; make macaroons; replace some of the butter in baking with coconut oil; and use it in cooking/sautéing. Mary's oil blend (see below) is a good way to incorporate coconut oil in cooking and salad dressings.
1/3 melted coconut oil
1/3 sesame oil - expeller pressed
1/3 100% olive oil
Combine oils, store in a tight container, in an area free from sunlight, and use in cooking or on salads.
1 banana
1 cup frozen mango
1 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup pomegranate/blueberry juice
1/2 cup natural yogurt or kefir, preferably homemade from raw milk
1/2 can coconut milk
Whirl in blender and drink to your health!
In addition to the above information from the Weston A. Price foundation, there are other recommendations for building natural immunity and natural treatments:
· Dr. Paul recommends sun (getting ample Vitamin D), rest and good nutrition
· Dr. Mercola recommends many of the herbs and nutrients, see http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=2581
· Dr. Horowitz recommends nano silver, see http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/store/cart.php
· Other sources recommend: 1) wash hands especially with public contact, 2) take winterberry and elderberry, 3) Avoid high sugar foods and processed foods which "spike your body's white blood cells and significantly leave you more susceptible to illness"
· A number of sources recommend having Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague Formula on hand (see below)
We will be learning how to formulate Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague Formula at the next Herbal Workshops in Arizona. This information could be vital for what is to come, and you now have an opportunity to come learn how to put together this formula as well as learn how to formulate all kinds of herbal remedies - an important step in self-reliance.
Take the precautions recommended and register for the next herbal workshop here: http://erleentilton.com/events.htm. Even with contact of any sickness, you CAN fight it with natural immunity and means if you learn how!
Have a wonderful week!
Erleen Tilton
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Day Party Without the Guilt
Our party on Sunday before Memorial Day was a huge success. We had many friends and family over to eat, play and have fun. The kids played in the pool even though it rained part of the day. They were wet anyway!
The food we had was a huge hit. Everyone raved about the burgers and the cake. The best part is that they were very healthy for you and you wouldn't even know it. Here is a picture of the cake decorated for the holiday. Using fruits as decoration not only added to the presentation, it added more nutrition.

This just goes to show you that you can eat good without sacrificing the good things in life. I refuse to and I can show you how. I do not have to work hard at staying a healthy and steady weight. After my last physical my doctor said I will live another 100 years. I aim to prove him right!
If you want to learn how to easily maintain a healthy weight and learn these great recipes I mention, then log on to my web site at www.askcoachb.com and sign up for my newsletter today. My charter member price will only be offered for a little while longer. Then you can expect to pay twice the amount. So lock in at the current low rate. You'll be glad you did.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
High Fructose Corn Syrup Not Bad for Your Health
A recent conference of scientist found that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and sugar (or sucrose) has little effect on satiety, overall energy balance, metabolic hormones or biomechanical metabolites such as triglycerides and uric acid. In other words, HFCS does not cause obesity.
HFCS has been around for 35 years. The amount of calories in HFCS have increased at a slower rate than calories from all sources. HFCS use has been in decline since 1999 which would suggest that are obesity epidemic is due more to the total calories Americans take in.
This goes along with my philosophy of living well. Most things in moderation are not bad for you. I still enjoy eating many things that most people eat a lot of, and I don't gain weight. You also have to be careful on what you read. You need to understand how they came to this conclusion to see if it is to be trusted.
For example, in this instance, everyone said that HFCS is the evil culprit. When in fact, the findings most studies were using were from pure fructose. There is a big difference and the two can not be linked. So don't be afraid of foods that have HFCS, just eat or drink these in moderation. It is the calories that count.
So how do you separate the fact from the fiction? The easiest way is to subscribe to my newsletter. I do the research and interpret it so that you can understand. Sign up at www.askcoachb.com today. There is a wealth of information presented every month. I know that when I talk to a lot of fitness professionals today, they do not know about the HFCS myth. I actively keep up to date and let you know what is relevant and what isn't.
Sign up today and see the difference in your life! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
HFCS has been around for 35 years. The amount of calories in HFCS have increased at a slower rate than calories from all sources. HFCS use has been in decline since 1999 which would suggest that are obesity epidemic is due more to the total calories Americans take in.
This goes along with my philosophy of living well. Most things in moderation are not bad for you. I still enjoy eating many things that most people eat a lot of, and I don't gain weight. You also have to be careful on what you read. You need to understand how they came to this conclusion to see if it is to be trusted.
For example, in this instance, everyone said that HFCS is the evil culprit. When in fact, the findings most studies were using were from pure fructose. There is a big difference and the two can not be linked. So don't be afraid of foods that have HFCS, just eat or drink these in moderation. It is the calories that count.
So how do you separate the fact from the fiction? The easiest way is to subscribe to my newsletter. I do the research and interpret it so that you can understand. Sign up at www.askcoachb.com today. There is a wealth of information presented every month. I know that when I talk to a lot of fitness professionals today, they do not know about the HFCS myth. I actively keep up to date and let you know what is relevant and what isn't.
Sign up today and see the difference in your life! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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